As we conduct our certification tests, we, Jinsol ENG, make sure that all staff members who participate in such tests understand the importance of fairness and control of conflict of interest while they do their best to make our services more reliable and guarantee the scientific accuracy and independence, for which we declare as follows.
- All tests shall be conducted fairly, and the management of the company shall ensure fairness.
- All members of the company, including the company’s management and executives, shall be held responsible for the fairness of the tests conducted, and any commercial, financial, or other forms of pressure that could compromise the fairness of the tests shall be tolerated.
- The management of the company shall work on to identify any hazards against the fairness in our service as a testing agency, such as those that can originate from our activities as a testing agency, the relationship of the testing agency, and the relationship with the members of the testing agency. We shall also seek ways to minimize or remove such hazards.
- We shall not tolerate or allow any pressure from any controlling bodies or regulatory agencies that request the submission of the certified test results.
- All members of the company shall not do anything that can compromise the fairness in our conduct of tests, including customer marketing or sales commission, etc.
- We will understand the relationship within our organization that could cause disadvantages in relation to testing in terms of HR management, administration, or allocation of budgets.
- All workers who are involved in testing shall endeavor to identify any risks of unfairness due to their external activities (academic conferences, hobby groups, etc.) and seek strategies to minimize such risks.